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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 - Norų Pildytojas Atsiliepimai

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Detalų mokslininkų dienorašti palieku paviešinti kolegai prof. Dvorfovičiui, o asmeniniai atsiliepimai apie žaidimą butų:



* Super teritorija

* Super orgu surastas mums bunkeris

* Nuostabus žaidėjų įsijautimas ir noras larpinti, prieš žaidimą buvo biški neramu, kad kai kam gali nepatikti mūsų "decontamination chamber", bet žaidimo metu nusiskundimų lyg ir nebuvo

* Kaip visada super monstrai - ir elektrą mums išjungė, ir užkast mėgino :D.



* Informacijos trūkumas prieš žaidimą - ekonomika ir pagrindines užduotis būtu gerai gauti, blogiausiu atveju, kelios dienos prieš žaidimą, o ne žaidimo kitos dienos rytą.

* Ekonomika gal ir buvo sugalvota nebloga, tačiau žaidimo eigoje ji buvo dalinai sugriauta - pagal orgu pateiktą schemą nauji pinigai i žaidimą turėjo ateiti per mus (mokslininkus) mainais i artifaktus, pirminis skafandrų bei bintu šaltinis turėjome taip pat būt męs. Baras ir SIdorovičius savo atsargas irgi turėjo papildyti pirkdami jas is orgų už žaidiminius pinigus. Deja žaidimo eigoje susidarė toks įspūdis, kad visiems buvo duotas šusnis pinigų/atsargų, todėl nieks nebuvo suinteresuotas vykdyti šios schemos.

* Pagal mums pateiktą informaciją, kunigas kas 12h karių paklusnumui išlaikyti juos turėji valgydinti iš gėlių "pagamintais" saldainiukais (šius saldainiukus gaminome mes), bet per visą žaidimo eigą išmainėme viso labo ~30 saldainių, tad ar monolitas čia bišk sukčiavo ar mes informaciją ne taip supratom?

* Asmeniškai nelabai patiko baro atmosfera (tiesa, ne per ilgiausiai jame ir buvau) - pirmame žaidime ji buvo labiau Stalkeriška.


Deja mokslininkams taip ir nepavyko pamatyti ir ištirti paslaptingojo monolito :(.


Kažkiek nuotraukų:


p.s. didelis dekui dviems vaikinukams, kurie mums padėjo po žaidimo išsinešti visą turtą iš bunkerio.

p.s.s. mefisto - nepyk labai dėl šeštadienio ryto epizodo.



o kas sestadienio ryte buvo kad pykciau????

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Thank you for the fantastic game!
Me (Acidrain) and my friend (Yellow2X) arrived to the Zone around 13:00 friday, so we could rest a bit before the game starts. It was 8 hour drive from Estonia, ~570km.
This was our first RP themed game in Airsoft and we did not know much what to expect, but the moment we entered the Bar, it was fucking epic. THe music was playing, people were talking and sharing information, trading goods at the counter and the fact that everything was inside an underground military bunker, made the atmosphere just perfect. We were blown away how good it all was.
We loved all scouting and patrol routes we took, searching for enemy bases and positions, that was a lot of fun. The moment when our DOLG base was attacked by Controller with around 20 zombies on Saturday, was just epic moment. We killed some of them and then we all died, but it was worth it!  :D
Being chased by Snork and Bloodsucker on Saturday, during DOLG+FREEDOM joint operation against Monolith forces was insane fun. At the end we managed to run from the monsters and attack Monolith base, but by then some of our forces were already dead and Monolith overwhelmed us with bigger numbers. Got the kill on one of the Estonian Monolith members on their base door, two shots to the chest, it was Paganarh himself I belive.  :P
During the walk back to graveyard after we died in the battle against Monolith base defenses, we encountered a team of scouts who were lost on the area, so we gave them directions. They asked if we are real soldiers.  :lol:
Saturday evening arena competition was a lot entertaining to watch. Also the guy in the dress was amusing.  :)
Unfortunately we had to go to sleep earlier on Saturday evening, because of the long drive on Sunday. We said farewell to our team in DOLG base on Sunday morning and drove back home.
We enjoyed the game a lot!
Massive thanks to all the organizers and referees, very nicely organized game! Small feedback: Next time try to write the game rules in forums in English language as well. Helps a lot for foreign players.  ;)
Special thanks to DOLG leader and our squad leader Pilot, very good job, and ofcourse all the DOLG members!  :excl:
DOLG for life!  :ph34r:
Thank you everyone who took part in this fantastic game.
Some pictures I took with my phone, not the best, but oh well :
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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Saturday evening arena competition was a lot entertaining to watch. Also the guy in the dress was amusing.  :)

It was Conchita, winner of Eurovision-2014 "she"self, i believe =)

Thank you for your comment, by the way, MONOLITH was defeated by our joint forces on sunday, after you left.

So, DUTY is really for life =)

With respect, your ex-commander Sarachem

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Думал, в каком языке дать отзыв, и решил на английском - мне легче да и работает хорошо. Так что если английский не умеешь, используй translate, я всю тему Сталкера так здесь дешифрировал :)


I'm going to give feedback for 8 Monolith guys from Estonia, so its going to be a LONG one. Also I have a bad habit of rambling... like right now. Plus I believe in the power of feedback and I know that this is very important to game organizers.

For those who want to put face and text together, I'm that guy:






Will try to segment the feedback a bit for easier reading but I want to get just one thing out of my system before I begin- game was simply great! It was absolutely worth 1000km of driving and resulting gas bill :)

I was also very surprised to see relativelty many estonians in the game. Last Stalker in Estonia was on 2012 and it had 200+ players, so I guess our group wasn't the only one that had a major itch to scratch.

Alright, lets dive in now.


The Game.

Friday evening and night set the bar of experience very high - everything was new and we had no idea how the game dynamics will actually play out, how is our commander and other Monolith brothers. Luckily everything went from great to awesome to very awesome.

Monolith's Church was great with superior Preacher. When emission came, we got a mission to go to the Bar to buy ammunition to whole Monolith, who pooled all their money on the table. Lots of responsibility and tension, almost zero visibility (as it was emission, we wore our masks and although when staying on the road it was more or less clear, when we turned into the forest, all glasses fogged up like hell). I'm glad that no-one broke their legs then. Mission was a success though - we made it to the Bar and then started to go back and although two of us were killed in an ambush and others were eaten by a snork, one soul survived, who was able to deliver the supplies.

Saturday was slower but created very nice living and almost everyday atmosphere to the Zone. Random firefights between patrols, roaming monsters, Arena. Everything added up into a nice and busy day (added bonus was dry, but still somber, weather). Evening picked up the action again with missions and patrols.

Sadly, this is also where our game ended, with emission at 00:00- next day awaited us long drive home and we needed to get there in reasonable time and without accidents (we saw bad one in Latvia, very sobering). Luckily our return trip was otherwise uneventful.


Game area itself was quite nice, although sometimes it felt like bases of different factions were too close together and there were too few roads crossing the Zone, forcing to go through forest whitch is not always ideal. In overall this area felt about right for this amount of players.


As I'm a game organizer myself, I looked around and really appreciated all the huge work that game orgs put into this. Everything from a lot of artifacts to decorated bases, bar and toilets. Awesome work.

Next time though please don't let so many cars and atv's to ride around. It is very distracting and on Friday night one car decided to go through the action where snork was busy killing us on the road and almost drove over my leg when I was busy being dead. Cars are bad, especially at night and especially when game has to be atmospheric.


The Rules

Overall solid and understandable. Will list some good and bad ones:

    [*]Until the briefing we were under impression that knives are against monsters, sadly something was lost in translation and we missed the part "only special in-game knives". Even after that there was some confusion and at least two times incidents between us and monsters, where our guy stabbed monster with wrong knife. Sorry for that! Hope you don't hold it against us, monsters! [*]Monolith fighters were able to walk in radiation zones - thanks for that rule! This helped our patrols and planning immensely and gave at least one advantage to otherwise "ordinary" Monolith. [*]Lack of ammunition was great, love all games that implement it, but although lootable food was okay, I (we) cannot find a good reason for water to be of limited availability. This is too risky as dehydration is a very sneaky condition and hits very hard with serious consequences. I have to confess that I went to closest store on Saturday to buy water for cooking and drinking and we even gave water to players who we killed that had empty bottles. So although many people seemed to like it, I don't think that they've seen and felt what dehydration can actually do. So I'm asking orgs to rethink the water rule. [*]Liked the "life" looting. It is fascinatingly morbid to carry around tokens of your dead enemies. [*]One hour in dead zone seemed a bit too much. Especially that Monolith had their own graveyard and didn't use the otherwise nice Bar. I do have a proposition to fix this, will talk about it below.




    [*]Special thanks goes to Monolith commander, who was calm and professional- best kind of commander! Same goes to commander nr.2. I'm sorry that our group came back to the game so late on Saturday- were ordinary players and not hardcore milsimmers, so we like to sleep :) [*]Monolith Preacher took his work seriously and it was great to see good roleplay. Next time though, choose the playlist with less silly music :P In any case, Preacher did a great job in spreading the good word of Monolith. [*]Bandits, you were great! Sorry that we didn't chat with you very much when you came to talk with us, but you have to understand that we're still Monolith and we had to fight the urge not to kill you on the spot :) Don't be mad for the Saturday night base raid too, I hope we spiced up your evening and at least guy with the guitar got away from our ambush :D [*]Sidorovich was appropriately sleazy and I'm pretty sure that we got a very crappy deal. Still, we were in a hurry and in a hostile territory ("Монолит не любят, в Монолит стреляют"), so we had to make haste. I still laugh at the situation with him:

Sidorovich: "So you're interested in a mission, eh? Bring me a head of a Monolith fighter!"

Monolith fighters: *cough*

Sidorovich: "I mean Freedom fighter!"

Monolith fighters dissapear. Few minutes later there's a short burst not very far. Fighters come back with a green card.

"Here's Freedom fighter's head!"




Overall I have to say that costumes were somewhere in the middle . You could clearly see that some people just came with their airsoft gear, but there were quite a lot of players who put some thought and work into their appearance. Kudos to the Duty, who mostly looked like one, Bandits who also were proper and free Stalkers with right amount of gear and colour. It is hard to be dressed properly for Stalker, as most of us know exactly how various factions look and this sets very strict rules on appearances. For half of our group this was second time to play Monolith in a Stalker game, so we had time to tweak and modify costumes even further, so I hope that next game we'll see even more impressive gear from everyone. Stalker games usually get better with every iteration :)

This time our urban camo was very easily spottable due to weather... last time we played, we disapeared into forest thanks to sunlight and high contrast. This time we were seen from far away and every ambush ended in high casualties. Nothing to do though, Monolith is designed to fight in the ruins of Pripyat, not in the forest ;)


I'll give you one idea that Estonian Stalker game had and worked quite well. Maybe you'll want to use it partly or not at all, just giving out options:

    [*]When player dies, he/she will become a zombie after few minutes. Zombie is not lootable, walks and can shoot only from the hip and with single shots. [*]As zombie, player has to walk to nearest graveyard, where clock starts and can respawn (lets say after 30 min - walking takes some time) [*]Now, why I put this under "costumes" paragraph? Amount of time as zombie or sitting in graveyard is tied directly how authentic your costume looks. Let's say there's 4 grades- C, B, A and A+.
    C is regular airsofter dude and has full penalty of being a zombie, and sitting in graveyard for 30 minutes
    B is a guy who has put some thought into the costume and has to sit in the graveyard for 15 minutes
    A has breather, oxygen tanks and looks great, can respawn immediately when reaching graveyard
    A+ is exceptional costume with all the right equipment and correct colors, also exoskeletons. When dead, goes ca 50m away as a zombie, wanders around for 15 minutes and then can come back into the game.

These are rough guidelines and can be adjusted as needed, but you get the picture. These rules also encourage people to have better outfits. Of course, every faction has their own grade system based on the complexity, grade is only for GM to decide and can be downgraded when over the course of the game some important part of costume is left behind.




Yes, I'm dedicating separate paragraph to you :)

First of all, great costumes! But more impressively, great movement and behaviour- you really looked and acted your part and it was genuinely terrifying, especially at night. Bloodsuckers howl before he pounced on a unsuspecting victim and sound of snork's gas mask valve in the bushes, all this created great atmosphere. Controller was too very awesome.

I'll also give you something to think about about future iteration of monsters:

    [*]Don't let monsters be around just for the killing. One snork devastates a whole group of people, as they are helpless to do anything against it and there's usually no point to run. This does not go together very well with monster's background itself- they're hunting for food and wouldn't it be better that they kill two or three guys from the group and start to "eat" them, growling on survivors, so they have to flee. This would give nice stories to tell for the survivors and would be more terrifying. Just a thought. [*]Monsters are too tough. 4000R for a knife to (maybe) get rid of the monster is too much, especially if there's no way to earn more by swindling artifacts. Only source of income was killing people... I'd suggest getting rid of "special knife" rule and only leave "grenade stuns" rule, after what surviving person can go and stab the monster with regular rubber knife. Monster comes back anyway. In this iteration they were too much like natural disaster, locking down whole bases. [*]There was rumor that light scares off the monsters. If that's the truth, it didn't work. Also, its a generally bad idea to shine military-grade u-led lamp into someone's face from a short distance.

But in any case, great work, monsters!






For some of us it was third Stalker game, for some second and even first. But everyone agreed that this game was great and absolutely worth it. Thank you so much game organizers for your huge work and take our praise as payment. You did well and we hope to walk around in the Zone you created in the future too.

Thanks to all the other players, you made this game possible. If there were misunderstandings or problems I weren't aware of, I hope all is forgiven by now.


Until next time!





PS. I will write additional commentary if something else comes to mind later or there's need to reply. 


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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Sveiki, pagaliau ir aš radau laiko ir pasidalinti ispudžiais.

Pirmiausia, labai ačiu orgams už puikų žaidimą. Galiu drasiai pasakyti kad mano airsofterio karjeroje tai buvo geriausias žaidimas. Rimtu pastabu net neturiu :).

Taip pat ačiu visėms DOLG nariams ir ypač vadui Sarachemui už vadovavimą.

Dabar pabandysiu papasakoti ką veikė DOLG.

Penktadienį atvkome į bazę. Iškaarto dalis karių buvo išsiusta į žvalgybą - ieškoti artefaktų ir kitų grupuočių bazių.. Likusiieji įrenginėjo bazę. Artefaktų neradome, bet greitai radome barą. Neužilgo nustatėme banditų bazės vietą. Bendraudami su "realnais pacančikkais" pastebėjome SVOBODA karius. Pagal tai iš kurios pusės atėjo, padarėme prielaidą kur yra jų bazė ir neapsirikome. Dar vėliau užmezgėme ryšį su mokslininkais. Mums jie turįjo sukurti prietaisą padesiantį sunaikinti monstrus. Mus buvo duotas sąrašas reikiamų komponentų prietaisui sukurti. Sunkiausia mums pasirodė gauti "monstro tiesiosios žarnos fragmentą" :). Penktadienio vakaras praėjo pakankamai ramiai. Per vybrosą vienas žmogus (Druteika) buvo nusiustas į žvalgybą su užduotimi rasti MONOLIT bazę. Tikslaii bazės buvimo vietos nustatyti jam nepavyko, bet sugebėjo nukauti 4 Monolito karius ir garbingai žuvo pats. Vėlaiu naktį mus atakavo monstrai, visi 4. Kadangi buvome budrus, laiku juos pastebėjome. Rezultate praradome tik du žmonės. Vėlai naktį, lietuj lijant iš niekur atsirado "Centras" (milsimas). Pabendravo su Sarachemu, apsikeitėme info ir jie vėl dingo.

Ryte su SVOBODA buvo sutarta kad kartu pulsime MONOLIT bazę. Apie 11,30 susitikome rie baro ir išjudėjome link MONOLIT bazės. Tačiau pakeiui mūsų koloną atakavo monstrai. Teko begti :) Rezultate iki MONOLITO daėjo daugiausiai pusė DOLG karių. Jie vygdė užduoti iki galo... Ir žuvo, pasimdami su savimi nemažai MONOLIT karių. 

Šeštadienį diena, mūsų bazę atakavo gausios monstrų zombių pajėgos. Turėjome vieną peilį. Priešinomės, stengdamiesi kuo brangiau parduoti savo kailį :) Bet su vienu peiliu neturėjome jokių šansų...

Vėliau sulaukėme Ukrainos prokuroro, kuris paprašė mus sulaikyti pavojingą recidivistą žinoma kaip J. J. Simpson. Mums pažadėjo 2500 rublių už sulaikimą. Jam sulaikyti buvo nusiusti 6 žmonės. Banditas priešinosi sulaikant, dėl ko jį teko surišti. Paskui bandė bėgti ir buvo biški pašautas "при поопытке к бегству". Tačiau kulkos nekliudė gyvybiškai svarbių organų ir nusikaltelis sekmingai buvo perduotas Teismui. Perduodant sulaikąjį teisingumui, mes gavome pranešimą kad mūsų pačių bazė sunaikinta MONOLITO. 

Atvykę prie savo bazės, sutikome SOBODA burį, su kažkokiais vaikais. asirodo tai buvo MONOLIT vaikai ir duotasis burys turėjo juos palidėti iki mokslininkų. Nors pas mus buvo likę visai mažai žmonių davėme SVOBODAI 3 vedius kurie turėjo juos palidėti iki mokslininkų. Pakeliui konvojus pateko į MONOLIT pasalą. Teko skubiai išjudėti gelbėti situaciją. Dėja dėl žmonių ir šovinių stokos mums nepavyko prasimušti iki mokslininkų. Atsitraukėme prie savo bazės. SVOBODos burys su vaikais iškeliavo į barą. Tikėjomes kad ten pavyks laikiniai paslepti vaikus, kol ateis astiprinimas iš SVOBODOS. Nepavyko... MONOLIT vaikus atėme.

Nu o 19,30 buvo žaidynės. Laimėjome kovas su pistoletais .

Po žaidynių išriškėjo vandens trukumo problema. Nuvykome į barą, kur barmenai davė mums suprasti kad Sidorovichiui labai liudna ir reikia kažką su tuo daryti. Ir jei mums pavyks jį pralinksminti, gausime vandens. Tryse iškėliiavome pas Barygą. Radome jį iš tikrųjų labai liudną, nes žaidynių metu jį kažkas apšvarino. Bet po to kai DOLG trio pademostravo jam ir jo sūnui "mažųjų ančiukų šokį", Sidorovichius pralinksmėjo. Su jo rekomendacija išskubėjome į barą, kur gavome vandens. 

Barmenai pakvietė mus dalyvauti Karaoke vakare 23,00, žadėdami už gerą pasirodimą kibirą vandens. Bet dėja.... Tam laikui pas mus jau buvo suplanuota monstrų medžioklė. 

Apie 23,00 turėdami 3 peilius išjudėjome prie karjero naikinti monstrus. Prie mūsų turėjo prisijungti SVOBODA, bet dėl man nežinomų priežasčių, to neįvyko. 

Karjere sunaikinome 1 krovososą ir 1 snorką. Labai padėjo mokslinikų sukurtas aparatas kuris neutralizavo kontrolerių, kol me pjovėme monstrus. 

Naktį iki 3 val buvo ramu. Išsiuntėme vieną burį į MONOLIT bazę. Laukdami jų sugrižimo, patys sulaukėm sviečių. Mus atakavo 2 MONOLIT kariai. Ataka pavyko atremti. Nuostolių neturėjome, prešas prarado vieną karį. Grižo musiškiai iš MONOLIT bazės. Pasinaudoję tuom kad visi MONOLIT bazėje miegojo, įskaitant sargybą, mūsų burys visus "išpjovė". 

Atėjus rytui , kartu su SVOBODA  pradėjome ruoštis bendram MONOLIT bazės ir raketų paleidimo vietų puolimui. Išsiuntėme žvalgybinį burį prie MONOLIT bazės. Iki pat atakos žinojomė viską kas darosi MONOLIT bazėje :) plius dar Druteika vos nepapjovė kunigo :) . Iki infiltracijos taško mus palidėjo "Centras". Mokslinikai padėjo mums kirsti užterštą zoną. Pradėjome puolimą. Tam tikru momentu atrodė kad mums nepavyks. Priešas jau paleido 3 raketas, kai galu gale mums pavyko perlaužti mūšio eigą savo naudai ir MONOLIT sunaikinome.


Vat taip :)

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Pilot - dėkoju už idomų aprašymą, nes ir pats daug ko nežinojau :o Ištikrųjų, tai jau pirmą dieną radome 3 artefaktus ir už sekmadieninę info, ką ir kur veikia Monolit, bei kur yra "norų pildytojas" reikėtų dėkoti ne tik man. Be ViDono pagalbos ir "prikolų" labai tam tinkamu metu nebūtų nieko pavykę ;)

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose


Overall I have to say that costumes were somewhere in the middle . You could clearly see that some people just came with their airsoft gear, but there were quite a lot of players who put some thought and work into their appearance.



Yes, for lot of players it was first Stalker game, because it is only second stalker game in Lithuania. I hope, that it would be better costumes next time:)

Whast is the level of Stalker games in Estonia, how you think? How many people during game? How long lasts Stalker games? What is the price of "ticket to Zone"?

Can you post link to photos from Estonian Stalker games. It is just interesting:)

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Atėjus rytui , kartu su SVOBODA  pradėjome ruoštis bendram MONOLIT bazės ir raketų paleidimo vietų puolimui. Išsiuntėme žvalgybinį burį prie MONOLIT bazės. Iki pat atakos žinojomė viską kas darosi MONOLIT bazėje :)


T.y. buvot salia bazes pasislepe? Jeigu taip - kur? Pvz jeigu 12 val buvo link baznycios, tai ties kuria valanda buvot pasislepe? Nes irgi kuri laika sedejau pasislepes ir stebejau aplinka:) Matyt atejot anksciau arba is kitos puses.

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

T.y. buvot salia bazes pasislepe? Jeigu taip - kur? Pvz jeigu 12 val buvo link baznycios, tai ties kuria valanda buvot pasislepe? Nes irgi kuri laika sedejau pasislepes ir stebejau aplinka:) Matyt atejot anksciau arba is kitos puses.

Tiksliai negaliu pasakyti, Druteika su Vidonu buvo ten. :)

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Del kostiumu, tai manau draugas estas teisingai pastebejo - kuo geresnis kostiumas - tuo maziau laiko reikia sedeti mertviake. Taip butu skatinami zaidejai kurti gerus kostiumus, o ne atvaziuoti tik su paprasta savo ekipuote ir "uzsipliontoti" lipneska ant ranku abieju.... Ir tegul draugas estas nepostina cia fotkiu, nes bus tikrai kazkas, kas pagalvos, jog cia is "Noru pildytojo" zaidimo fotkes, o ne is Estijos :D

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Yes, for lot of players it was first Stalker game, because it is only second stalker game in Lithuania. I hope, that it would be better costumes next time:)

Whast is the level of Stalker games in Estonia, how you think? How many people during game? How long lasts Stalker games? What is the price of "ticket to Zone"?

Can you post link to photos from Estonian Stalker games. It is just interesting:)

I'd say the level is very similar actually :) We also have all kinds of players.

Game lasts 2 days and price for the last one (in 2012) was 10.- € (35.- LTL), but games in Estonia are too cheap overall because of historical reasons (and we're trying to gradually fix that).

First game in 2010 had 160, second game in 2012 had 225 players.

Will hope that there will be a game next year... 


Some photos (with lots of duplicates) from last game. Many cool costumes are missing but many pics in one place (PS. that game didn't have Duty faction- most was Freedom, bandits and stalkers, plus of course Monolith)


On one series of pictures you'll see how one guy stands still in the middle of the road and two dead players walk past him. This was one rule we had that I forgot to tell about- when you stayed perfectly still, zombies didn't "see" you :) Made navigation possible when there were too many zombies around.

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Хочу поблагодарить организаторов игры от имени игроков из Латвии, которых принял в свой состав Долг. Игра получилась интересной и достаточно атмосферной. Очень понравились монстры и учёные, видно что люди получали большое удовольствие от отыгрывания своих ролей.

Хочу сказать спасибо командиру Долга - было очень приятно играть под грамотным руководством. Так-же спасибо всем остальным долговцам - с вами было интересно.

Спасибо Свободе - вначале думал, что придётся всё время воевать с вами, но общий враг всё-же объединяет.

Спасибо Монолиту - вас было много.

С обычными сталкерами, бандитами и другими игровыми персонажами лично я не особо сталкивался, но свой вклад в общую атмосферу вы внесли.

Особых пожеланий не будет, тут уже многое сказали другие игроки. В общем, игра удалась и скорее всего приедем и в следующем году тоже.


P.S. Насчёт найденного ножа - скорее всего его потерял наш боец, ещё в пятницу ночью, скорее всего по дороге от базы Долга до бункера учёных. На нём ещё была надпись made in taiwan или что-то вроде того.

P.P.S. Фотография с базы Монолита ночью:

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Tai buvo pats geriausias Lietuviskas geimas kokiame tik teko dalyvauti. O davauti yra teke labai daug. Smagu kai orgai darydami milsim zaidima daugmaz supranta ka zodis milsim reiskia. Butinai dalyvausiu ir sekanciame Stalkeryje. Teritorija buvo superine. Matem daug ir buvom visur


atsiprasau monolito zaidejo kad nupifpafinau ant stogo tiesiog nesinorejo sauti is 2m. Giedryz berods tai buvo su LT camo


vsumoj tikrai 10 balu ir pagarba orgams. tobuleti yra kur bet pastangu ideta labai daug ka mes visi labai vertiname ir lenkiame galva zemai


Lietuvoje noretusi daugiau 2,3+ dienu zaidimu


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